49 years

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HOLA’s programs are made possible, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, as well as by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Miranda Family Fund, Radio Drama Network, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for their private contributions to our 2024-2025 programming, fostering Hispanic and Latin artists who enrich our culture.

A lifetime of work for the Latin community

Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors

Founded in 1975 by a group of Hispanic actors working in New York to address the inequities created by the casting system that underemployed Hispanic actors and relegated Latino characters to negative stereotypes. Now HOLA functions as a leading advocacy organization in the industry for such actors working on stage, on television, streaming, and in films. 

HOLA dedicated to expanding the presence of Latin/Hispanic artists in entertainment and media through their development, cultivation, education, empowerment, and recognition. HOLA has served as a crucial resource to the NY casting community for more than 45 years by hosting a Hispanic talent database available to casting directors and agents in addition to distributing casting notices to members.

Calendario de Eventos de Teatro Hispano en Nueva York



Exclusive Discount for HOLA Members to:

Teatro Círculo presenta EL ESPACIO ENTREMEDIAS (The Space in Between) Una pareja joven decide criar sin asignar géneros y, su decisión es cuestionada. Dirección de Leyma…...

This content is for members HOLA Member.
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Exclusive Discount for HOLA Members to:

Oceans Are the Real Continents Opens January 10 @ Film Forum Check out Film Forum’s upcoming release of OCEANS ARE THE REAL CONTINENTS, a beautifully photographed drama set…...

This content is for members HOLA Member.
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Why our work matters:

Latino Population in the US
0 %
Latino Population in NYC
0 %
Representation in
NYC Theatre
18.7 %
Representation in
Theatrical Film
19.1 %
Representation in
Theatrical Film Leads
19.1 %
Representation in
Theatrical Film Directors
19.1 %
Representation in
Theatrical Film Writers
19.1 %
Representation in
Streaming Film
18.7 %
Representation in
Streaming Film Leads
18.7 %
Representation in
Streaming Film Directors
19.1 %
Representation in
Streaming Film Writers
18.7 %
Representation in
TV Broadcast
19.1 %
Representation in
TV Cable
19.1 %
Representation in
Digital TV
19.1 %
Representation in
TV Broadcast Leads
19.1 %
Representation in
TV Cable Leads
19.1 %
Representation in
Digital TV Leads
19.1 %

Latin/Hispanic artists remain wildly underrepresented among all film, TV, and theater roles in the US

Join us in the fight to advocate for Latin/Hispanic artists in the US