How to Succeed in Showbiz By really REALLY trying 

Join teacher and coach Eli Bosnick for an afternoon workshop on the fundamentals of the acting industry.
Whether you’re a recent graduate wondering what comes after school or just feel like you’ve hit a wall in your career this workshop is for you.




  • The Traditional vs. Interrogative Method of Acting Work
    • How to watch art like an artist
    • How to “get in front of the right people”
    • Where to set up shop
  • Building your book
    • How to take an amazing headshot
    • What’s in your binder
    • Escaping Typecasting
  • The Business of Show
    • Agents/Managers
    • Getting more auditions without representation
    • The actor and the internet


General Information and Requirements: 

  • Date: Monday, August 14 2023
  • Time: 7 PM – 9:30 PM
  • In-person class.
  • Place: Ripley-Grier Studios (520 8th Ave in Studio 17E)
  • Class will be held in English Language.
  • Maximum number of participants: 50.
  • Duration: The master class will last approximately 2.5 hours.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the class. The class will start on time.
  • You are required to be present during the whole session. Do not register if you cannot be present for the entire class.
  • No one will be admitted once the class has started. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • There will be pictures taken from the HOLA team during class. By attending this class you consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by HOLA of any and all photography and/or videography that will be taken during the event for any purpose, and without compensation. All digital image and/or video files will be wholly owned by HOLA, who reserves the right to use these images and/or video for publication via HOLA’s website, social media platforms, news releases, and in other communications related to the mission of HOLA and its educational program.


Información general y requisitos:

  • Fecha: Lunes 14 de agosto de 2023
  • Hora: 7 PM – 9:30 PM
  • Clase presencial.
  • Lugar: Ripley-Grier Studios (520 8th Ave in Studio 17E)
  • Idioma: inglés.
  • Máximo número de participantes: 50.
  • Duración: Aproximadamente 2.5 horas.
  • Por favor llegar 15 minutos antes del comienzo de la clase. Todas las clases empiezan puntualmente.
  • Es obligatorio estar presente durante toda la clase. Si usted no puede, por favor, no se comprometa.
  • Una vez empezada la clase, no se admiten ingresos en el salón.
  • El equipo de HOLA tomará fotos y videos durante la clase. Al asistir a esta clase, usted acepta y autoriza el uso y la reproducción por parte de HOLA de todas y cada una de las fotografías y/o videos que se tomarán durante el evento para cualquier propósito y sin compensación. Todos los archivos de imágenes y/o videos digitales serán propiedad exclusiva de HOLA, quien se reserva el derecho de usar estas imágenes y/o videos para su publicación a través del sitio web de HOLA, plataformas de redes sociales, comunicados de prensa y otras comunicaciones relacionadas con la misión de HOLA. y su programa educativo.



About the instructor:

Eli Bosnick is a career coach, comedian, and has taught transitioning into the industry at various performing arts schools and private studios all over the country including New York University, The Studio NYC, and recently presented at the National Association for Acting Teachers. In his spare time he tells jokes on the internet.



About HOLA Master Classes series:

In expanding job opportunities for Hispanic actors, HOLA strengthens and supports the available talent pool through its Educational Programs which offers professional development, acting training and networking opportunities for members and the Hispanic community. This is an invaluable resource for artists to further develop their skills, gain practical experience and industry knowledge to support a greater chance of success in their careers. HOLA Master Classes are free for members and scheduled once a month.

HOLA y sus clases magistrales:

En función de expandir las oportunidades laborales de los actores hispanos, HOLA fortalece y apoya el potencial del talento humano disponible a través de sus programas educativos. Los cuales ofrecen desarrollo profesional, formación actoral; además, de las oportunidades de establecer relaciones interpersonales entre los miembros y la comunidad hispana. Este invaluable recurso impulsa a los artistas a desarrollar aún más sus habilidades. Ganando experiencia práctica y conocimientos del área; aumentando así, las posibilidades de éxito en sus carreras. Las clases magistrales de HOLA son mensuales y gratuitas para los miembros.


Cancellation Policy:

  • In the event you need to cancel your reservation, immediately notify us within 24 hrs notice. Please email us at to notify us of your cancelation.
  • Failure to cancel on time will result in one unexcused absence.
  • An unexcused absence will suspend your privilege to register/participate in the next 2 HOLA Master Classes or Workshops.


Política de cancelación:

  • Para cancelar su reserva, debe notificarlo con 24 horas de anticipación a través del correo electrónico:
  • La falta de notificación oportuna o demorada, se considerará una inasistencia injustificada.
  • Cada inasistencia injustificada suspende la inscripción de las próximas 2 clases magistrales o talleres de HOLA.



HOLA would like to gratefully acknowledge Radio Drama Network for their generous support towards our 2023 educational programming supporting art that enriches our culture.



This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.



Monday Aug 14 2023


7:00 PM - 9:30 PM


Ripley-Grier Studios
Ripley-Grier Studios
520 8th Ave, New York, NY 10018, United States


QR Code
