HOLA Talks 2020

In an effort to serve our community of artists during the quarantine and social distancing times, the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors organized a series of online conversations, Q&As and workshops. The HOLA TALKS were made through the video conferencing platform Zoom. Serving about 5000 hispanic actors TOTALLY FREE. In the following list you can find the sessions that took place and a link to some of their recordings. 

HOLA Talks are possible because of the generosity of our speakers and our partnership win HB Studio. Thank you!

Juan Carlos Restrepo

COVID-19: Financial Resources for inmigrants and actors

Lawyer and specialist, about financial resources for actors and immigrants during COVID-19. He will try to answer your questions related to this topic.

COVID-19: Financial Resources for inmigrants and actors

Lawyer and specialist, about financial resources for actors and immigrants during COVID-19. He will try to answer your questions related to this topic.

Malcolm March

Introduction to breathwork

As actors and artists our physical and mental health are very important. This why tomorrow, during our second online session, we will be presenting “Selfcare: An introduction to breath-work”, directed by Malcolm March, Actor, producer and Executive Director of HOLA.

Introduction to breathwork

As actors and artists our physical and mental health are very important. This why tomorrow, during our second online session, we will be presenting “Selfcare: An introduction to breath-work”
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Elizabeth Pujada

Social Media Marketing for Actors

Today more than ever, Social Media has become a necessary tool for actors. In our next HOLA Talk, Elizabeth Danielle @elizabeth__danielle will share strategies for your acting career on how to use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, among others.

Social Media Marketing for Actors

Elizabeth Danielle @elizabeth__danielle will share strategies for your acting career on how to use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, among others.
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Rosie Berrido

Rosie's Rules: Acting, Diction and accent reduction

Learn fundamental tools to improve your pronunciation and reduce your accent for your professional life. Acting coach @rosie_berrido who will also talk to us about different combination of technique, routines and ethics for our professional carreer

Rosie's Rules: Acting, Diction and accent reduction

Do not miss the opportunity to learn fundamental tools to improve your pronunciation and reduce your accent for your professional life.
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Erica Palgon

Commerical Comedy Class

Commercial Casting Director Erica Palgon, creator of the Podcast Up The Ladder shares her insight about how to work on the specificity of comedy and the casting process

Commerical Comedy Class

Commercial Casting Director Erica Palgon, creator of the Podcast Up The Ladder shares her insight about how to work on the specificity of comedy and the casting process
Not available

Samuel Christensen

O-1 Visas & Green Card for Artists

Samuel Christensen Law Firm (SC Law) specializes in crafting US visa applications for extraordinary professionals. In this session he will explain the themes of Green Card and other work visas and share some clarity about inmigration in Covid times

O-1 Visas & Green Card for Artists

Samuel Christensen Law Firm (SC Law) will explain the themes of Green Card and other work visas and share some clarity about inmigration in Covid times
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Martha Lucia Lemos

Alimentacion Saludable durante covid-19

En tiempos de COVID, nuestra salud puede ser facilmente afectada por el estres e influir directamente en nuestra forma de comer. La nutricionista Martha Lucia Lemos nos compartira una sesion en donde compartira recomendaciones para mantener una buena alimentacion en estos tiempos

Alimentacion Saludable durante covid-19

La nutricionista Martha Lucia Lemos nos compartira una sesion en donde compartira recomendaciones para mantener una buena alimentacion en estos tiempos
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Lupe Gehrenbeck

Dramaturgia organica. Teatro y realidad

VIERNES 1 y 8 de Mayo. La escritora, directora y actriz @lupegehrenbeck, que ha diseñado metodologías de que incitan la creación teatral vinculada a la realidad que somos y que nos rodea. CLASE EN ESPAÑOL.

Dramaturgia organica. Teatro y realidad

La escritora, directora y actriz @lupegehrenbeck comparira su metodología que incita la creación teatral vinculada a la realidad que somos y que nos rodea.

Jaime Lozano

Cómo Contar Historias Cantando

El director musical mexicano, Jaime Lozano, nos brinda de su tiempo para crear una conversación sobre la espicificidad del teatro Musical

Cómo Contar Historias Cantando

Jaime Lozano, nos brinda de su tiempo para crear una conversación sobre la espicificidad del teatro Musical
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Juan Pablo Felix

Técnicas de Actuación para Cine

El director y escritor Juan Pablo Felix nos brinda su espacio para compartir su experiencia en el cine y como un actor se puede preparar mejor para actuar delante de la camara

Técnicas de Actuación para Cine

El director y escritor Juan Pablo Felix nos brinda su espacio para compartir su experiencia en el cine y como un actor se puede preparar mejor para actuar delante de la camara
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Famor Botero

Introduccion al trabajo del actor para cine independiente

En una de nuestras charlas mas emotivas e inspiradores, el director de Cine Independiente, Famor Botero, nos conectara con nuestra creatividad en tiempos de cuarentena

Introduccion al trabajo del actor para cine independiente

May 11th
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Jae Cho

Screenwriting webinar 101

Jae will facilitate a closed session for 20 people to work on the interesting art of screenwriter to build the new stories of the future

Screenwriting webinar 101

Jae will facilitate a closed session for 20 people to work on the interesting art of screenwriter to build the new stories of the future

Herman Chavez

Attack Audition Anxiety

Actor and Coach Herman Chavez will share his coaching to become aware of the programming that we bring to the audition room and how we can become present at the time of auditioning

Attack Audition Anxiety

May 13th
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Pablo Zinger

Técnicas de canto y acondicionamiento vocal para actores.

El reconocido director Pablo Zinger facilitó una clase magistral de canto para nuestros invitados brindandonos su experiencias con diversos ejercicios

Técnicas de canto y acondicionamiento vocal para actores.

May 15t
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Alie Gorrie

ARTIST AS ALLY: How We Can Show Up in Support of Artists with Disabilities

Advocacy entails how to stand up for another humen being. In this HOLA Talk we hold a conversation with Alie B. Gorrie, inclusion consultant and advocate to the disable community

ARTIST AS ALLY: How We Can Show Up in Support of Artists with Disabilities

In this HOLA Talk we hold a conversation with Alie B. Gorrie, inclusion consultant and advocate to the disable community
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Herman chavez

Attack Audition Anxiety - Part II

By popular demand, Herman will continue his talk with more details on how we can learn to let go our stories at the time of auditioning

Attack Audition Anxiety - Part II

By popular demand, Herman will continue his talk with more details on how we can learn to let go our stories at the time of auditioning
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Daphnie Sicre, Ph.D.

New Pedagogy for Online theater teaching

Quarantine is changing the landscape for online teaching. Several school are shifting their classes online. We hold a conversation with Dr. Daphnie Sicre to know more about it

New Pedagogy for Online theater teaching

Quarantine is changing the landscape for online teaching. Several school are shifting their classes online. We hold a conversation with Dr. Daphnie Sicre to know more about it
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Juana Plata


Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta escencial para la carrera del artista. Juana Plata nos comparte su experiencia y sus recomendaciones


Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta escencial para la carrera del artista. Juana Plata nos comparte su experiencia y sus recomendaciones
not available

Rosie Berrido


En la segunda parte de nuestro HOLA Talk, Rosie Berrido continua la charla sobre la importancia del acento en ingles compartiendonos mas detalles en el arte del speechwork


En la segunda parte de nuestro HOLA Talk, Rosie Berrido continua la charla sobre la importancia del acento en ingles compartiendonos mas detalles en el arte del speechwork

Manuel Herrera

Areas esenciales en la narración de Audiolibros

En nuestra charla mas atendida en la temporada 1, el renombrado artistas de audiolibros Manny Herrera facilitara una sesion destinada al area de audiolibros

Areas esenciales en la narración de Audiolibros

En nuestra charla mas atendida en la temporada 1, el renombrado artistas de audiolibros Manny Herrera facilitara una sesion destinada al area de audiolibros

Andrés López-Alicea

Improv and Play from your Living room

The actor and director Andrés López-Alicea will make us play with a very special digital improv class

Improv and Play from your Living room

The actor and director Andrés López-Alicea will make us play with a very special digital improv class

Alfonso Rey

El arte de la Dirección Técnica

June 3rd

El arte de la Dirección Técnica

June 3rd

Mathia Vargas

Defining and Refining your brand

Branding is one of the most important things the actor must do. In this closed class, Mathia Vargas, will coach our members in their social media status

Defining and Refining your brand

Branding is one of the most important things the actor must do. In this closed class, Mathia Vargas, will coach our members in their social media status
not available

Pablo Andrade

Uta Hagen y la técnica del actor.

El director venezolano Pablo Andrade nos facilito un primera acercamiento a la técnica Uta Hagen de actuación

Uta Hagen y la técnica del actor.

El director venezolano Pablo Andrade nos facilito un primera acercamiento a la técnica Uta Hagen de actuación
not available

Carlos Ever Fonseca

Lo verdaderamente importante en el trabajo del actor y la actriz del futuro

El actor y director colombiano, Carlos Ever Fonseca nos compartira su punto de vista unico del teatro como manipulacion del publico

Lo verdaderamente importante en el trabajo del actor y la actriz del futuro

El actor y director colombiano, Carlos Ever Fonseca nos compartira su punto de vista unico del teatro como manipulacion del publico

Herman Chavez

Attacking Audition Anxiety Part 3

June 10th

Attacking Audition Anxiety Part 3

June 10th
not available

Alicia caceres

Como enfrentar la incertidumbre del futuro

La cuarentena ha hecho un impact muy fuerte en nuestra sociedad. Varias personas ahora se encuentran en un estado de incertidumbre por lo que vendra. La psicologa Alicia Caceres nos brindo un espacio para tener esta conversacion

Como enfrentar la incertidumbre del futuro

La cuarentena ha hecho un impact muy fuerte en nuestra sociedad. Varias personas ahora se encuentran en un estado de incertidumbre por lo que vendra. La psicologa Alicia Caceres nos brindo un espacio para tener esta conversacion
view session

Maria Fontanals

Aplicación practica de la técnica uta hagen

En una clase especial de introduccion a Uta Hagen, Maria Fontanals facilito escenas a nuestros invitados para tener un acercamiento a esta tecnica

Aplicación practica de la técnica uta hagen

En una clase especial de introduccion a Uta Hagen, Maria Fontanals facilito escenas a nuestros invitados para tener un acercamiento a esta tecnica

Lynn Watson

the actors speech: one size doesn't fits all

In a playful approach to speechwork, Lynn Watson facilitates an open conversation about the art of speechwork and how it can we learn an accent and still honor our identity

the actors speech: one size doesn't fits all

In a playful approach to speechwork, Lynn Watson facilitates an open conversation about the art of speechwork and how it can we learn an accent and still honor our identity

We want to thank our partner

HB Studio

For helping us create this space for our community

HB Studio is a school created by theater artists. They offer a rigorous, well-rounded curriculum of study for committed students of all levels where the actor’s unique potential is cultivated and encouraged. Providing a haven for working professionals, free from commercial pressures. Working in partnership with the HB Playwrights Foundation and Theatre, they uphold a standard of performance that can play a significant role in shaping today’s contemporary and classical theater – a standard envisioned by our founder, actor/director Herbert Berghof, and championed by the actor and master teacher Uta Hagen.”

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