Contemporary Latine NY Theater


This master class provides an in-depth examination of the history, contributions, and current state of Latine theater in the United States. Through a combination of lectures, scene presentations, and coaching sessions, attendees will gain a better understanding of the key figures, trends, and themes that define this vibrant and important aspect of American theater.




  • I. Introduction
    • Brief history of Latine theater in NY and the US.
    • Discussion of key figures and their contributions.
  • II. Scene Presentations
    • Three scenes from plays by Migdalia Cruz, C. Julian Jimenez, Christina Quintana, and/or Bernardo Cubria.
    • Actors will present the scenes and instructor will provide context for the audience.
    • Lou Moreno will coach and re-direct the actors, using their work as an example for the rest of the class.
  • III. Conclusion and Q&A
    • Final thoughts on Latine theater in the US.
    • Discussion of the current state of the field.
    • Q&A session for attendees to ask questions and share their thoughts.


Scene Presentations


There will be a unique opportunity for 6 actors to be coached in 3 scenes to be presented in the class. Actors with previous acting experience and training may sign up for a chance to participate in one of these scenes. Actors will be selected based on their HOLA profile. You have the option to apply together with another HOLA Member, if you want to work with someone you know, otherwise we will pair you with another applicant.

If selected, you will receive a scene in advance, via email, along with the contact information of your scene partner, in order to prepare before the class. You must reply to the email and CONFIRM RECEIPT WITHIN 24 HOURS or lose the spot.

Actors not chosen (or not choosing) to prepare a scene, will be considered Auditors and as such will be able to learn by watching others work and will be able to be part of the Q&A session.


General Information and Requirements:


  • In-person class.
  • Class will be held in English Language.
  • Maximum number of participants: 20 actors.
  • Duration: The master class will last approximately 2 hours, with a 10-minute break included.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the class. The class will start on time.
  • You are required to be present during the whole session. Do not register if you cannot be present for the entire class.
  • No one will be admitted once the class has started. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Información importante general y requisitos:

  • Clase presencial.
  • Idioma: Inglés.
  • Máximo número de participantes: 20 actores.
  • Duración: Aproximadamente 2 horas, con 10 minutos de descanso incluidos.
  • Por favor llegar 15 minutos antes del comienzo de la clase. Todas las clases empiezan puntualmente.
  • Es obligatorio estar presente durante toda la clase. Si usted no puede, por favor, no se comprometa.
  • Una vez empezada la clase, no se admiten ingresos en el salón.



About Lou Moreno:



Lou Moreno Artistic director of INTAR Theatre.

Starting his career as an actor in NYC, Lou found a home and community like no other. He was an actor, intern, production assistant, light-board operator, assistant stage manager, and then a director.

In 2005 he received the Princess Grace Award for directing. There he was appointed as Associate Artistic Director of INTAR Theatre under Eduardo Machado for one year. He produced three main stage productions as well as the NewWorks Lab. After his year as Associate Artistic Director, he went on to direct in various venues before assuming the title of associate Artistic director at Rattlestick Playwrights Theater. Then Co-Artistic director of Twilight Theater Company. In 2010, Lou was named Artistic Director of INTAR Theatre where he still resides today.

He has produced and/or directed some of the greatest playwrights in contemporary Latino theater. Migdalia Cruz, Irene Fornés, José Rivera, Octavio Solis, Michael John Garcés, and many others. Sharing INTAR stages with these legacy artists as well as introducing a new generation of writers, C. Julian Jiménez, Mariana Carreño King, Maggie Bofill, and Julissa Contreras, just to name a few, is where Moreno finds his greatest thrills as a theater artist.



Photo credit:

Headshot by Noah Kalina


About HOLA Master Classes series:


In expanding job opportunities for Hispanic actors, HOLA strengthens and supports the available talent pool through its Educational Programs which offers professional development, acting training and networking opportunities for members and the Hispanic community. This is an invaluable resource for artists to further develop their skills, gain practical experience and industry knowledge to support a greater chance of success in their careers. HOLA Master Classes are free for members and scheduled once a month.


HOLA y sus clases magistrales:

En función de expandir las oportunidades laborales de los actores hispanos, HOLA fortalece y apoya el potencial del talento humano disponible a través de sus programas educativos. Los cuales ofrecen desarrollo profesional, formación actoral; además, de las oportunidades de establecer relaciones interpersonales entre los miembros y la comunidad hispana. Este invaluable recurso impulsa a los artistas a desarrollar aún más sus habilidades. Ganando experiencia práctica y conocimientos del área; aumentando así, las posibilidades de éxito en sus carreras. Las clases magistrales de HOLA son mensuales y gratuitas para los miembros.


Cancellation Policy:


  • In the event you need to cancel your reservation, immediately notify us within 24 hrs notice. Please email us at to notify us of your cancelation.
  • Failure to cancel on time will result in one unexcused absence.
  • An unexcused absence will suspend your privilege to register/participate in the next 2 HOLA Master Classes or Workshops.


Política de cancelación:

  • Para cancelar su reserva, debe notificarlo con 24 horas de anticipación a través del correo electrónico:
  • La falta de notificación oportuna o demorada, se considerará una inasistencia injustificada.
  • Cada inasistencia injustificada suspende la inscripción de las próximas 2 clases magistrales o talleres de HOLA.



HOLA would like to gratefully acknowledge Radio Drama Network for their generous support towards our 2023 educational programming supporting art that enriches our culture.



Our Sponsors | NYC-ARTS

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.



Monday May 22 2023


6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


107 Suffolk Street New York, NY 10002


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